lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

To My Mother

 For all the times you gently picked me up,
When I fell down,
For all the times you tied my shoes
And tucked me into bed,
Or needed something
But put me first instead.
For everything we shared,
The dreams, the laughter,
And the tears,
I love you with a "Special Love"
That deepens every year

by Luis Rodriguez

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011


buenas peliculas mas velocidad y mayoer aprendizaje
Hi there! my name's luis eduardo rodriguez pinero.I’m from Cabimas.In urb.Rafael Urdaneta I'm 27 years old I'm study business administration at URBE.My favorite subjects are contabilidad and english.this trimester.I am taking 3 classes and I am in the 10th trimester
I like talking on de phone and listening music on the weekend.

welcome to my blog
